Measuring Your Foot

Tips for accurate foot measurement

  • Take your foot measurement in a standing position while wearing your cycling socks.
  • Make sure your knee is bent in a cycling posture and there is some weight on your fore foot.
  • Please use a millimetre lined ruler  to obtain a 3 digit millimetre measurement.
  • For example 267mm will provide the correct amount of data.
  • Write measurements as:   Length = x mm, Width = x mm


  • Step 1: Place your foot onto a piece of paper on a hard, smooth floor. Weight your foot by bending your knee and leaning into the fore foot, where your cleat would be. 
  • Step 2: Trace your foot keeping the pen or pencil vertical. Sometimes a partner can be helpful here. Keep the weight on the foot for the tracing.
  • Step 3: Use ruler and make a line to mark the furthest point on all four sides as shown below.
  • Step 4: Measure length, the longest distance from heel to longest toe (first or second toe).
  • Step 5: Measure width, the widest distance of foot from side to side.
  • Step 6: Repeat steps for other foot as your feet may be different sizes. Typically you will want shoes that accommodate your largest foot the most comfortably.
  • Step 7: Take the longest foot number and the widest foot number and combine these to give you the numbers for the best fitting shoes.




 Size Charts

RACE Last: CX/MX 3## Shoes


SPORT Last: CX/MX 1## Shoes

COMFORT PLUS Last: CX/MX Comfort Width Shoes